Other Name | Xin Yi San |
Chinese Name | ___ |
Standard Dosage | 8 pills, 3 x per day |
Ingredients (Pin Yin) | Xin yi hua, Bai zhi, Fang feng, Gao ben, Sheng ma, Mu tong, Chuan xiong, Qiang huo, Gan cao |
Ingredients | Magnolia biondii flower, Angelica dahurica root, Saposhnikovia divaricata root, Ligusticum sinense root & rhizome, Cimicifuga heracleifolia rhizome, Akebia trifoliata stem, Ligusticum chuanxiong rhizome, Notopterygium incisum root & rhizome, Glycyrrhiza uralensis root |
Other Ingredients | Maltose, Talcum, Activated carbon, China wax |
Allergen Information | The ingredient Yi Tang (Maltose) is derived from barley and may contain gluten proteins. more about allergens |
Contraindications (on label) | Caution during pregnancy. |