Stasis In The Lower Palace Teapills Shao Fu Zhu Yu Wan

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Other Name Drive Out Blood Stasis in the Lower Abdomen Pills, Shao Fu Zhu Yu Tang
Chinese Name _____
Standard Dosage 8 pills, 3 x per day
Ingredients (Pin Yin) Dang gui, Pu huang, Chi shao, Ru xiang, Mo yao, Yan hu suo, Chuan xiong, Rou gui, Chao xiao hui xiang, Chao gan jiang
Ingredients Angelica sinensis root, Typha angustifolia pollen, Paeonia lactiflora root, Boswellia carterii resin, Commiphora myrrha resin, Corydalis yanhusuo rhizome, Ligusticum chuanxiong rhizome, Cinnamomum cassia bark, Foeniculum vulgare fruit-fried, Zingiber officinale rhizome- stir-fried
Other Ingredients Talcum, Activated carbon, China wax
Contraindications (on label) Contraindicated during pregnancy

Product Notes This formula has been reformulated due to FDA restrictions. Previous versions of this formula contained Wu ling zhi, an _herbí¬ in the Chinese Materia medica known as a powerful analgesic. This _herbí¬ is in actuality not a plant but _Excrementum Trogopteri seu Pteromií¬ or as it is commonly known, prepared _flying squirrel dungí¬. Previous attempts to import formulas with this herb were rejected by the FDA on grounds that it _contains squirrel excrement and is considered filth and unfit for food.í¬ In response to this stance we showed the FDA that it had been sterilized, and submitted lab results proving that it had passed our strict microbial testing. We also protested the rejection on cultural grounds, pointing out that within our tradition of medicine this is an acceptable ingredient that has been safely used over a long time period. Sadly our attempts were unsuccessful and we have been unable to import this and other formulas in their original format. Our team of herbalists chose to replace Wu ling zhi with a combination of Ru xiang and Mo Yao.
Barcode 739934820124
Weight 0.2500
Case Packaging 180 bt (3 pk)